How many times have you wished you had an easy way to do touch ups at work or school to keep that pesky frizz under control? Got a trip planned yet just don’t want to schlep your regular straightener but don’t want your hair to look all wonky either? Or maybe when on-the-go your style […]
Best Hot Rollers for Big Curls for Straight Long or Thick Hair
Learn How Hot Rollers Can Take You to Big Billowy Curls Without Drama Some just don’t find styling hair to be their thing. Is that you? Or maybe it’s more you suck at curling iron worse than a beauty school drop-out. Or sometimes it’s a time crunch problem. With no time to style, meh! Ponytail […]
The Best Curling Irons For Fine Hair Mean Effortless Elegance
Those fine, poker straight, gorgeous locks of yours may make you the envy of your friends. That is until it comes time to curl them. Then it’s another story. No matter how much coaxing, crying, or complaining you do the results are ALWAYS the same. Disappointing. Even if you do get the desired results they […]