Once upon a time bangs that were swept to side were all the rage.
But in recent times “low commitment” curtain bangs have clawed their way to the top of the fringe heap. All those obsessed fans can’t be wrong, now can they? Despite the fact that many consider side swept to be classics.
But recently rumors of the return of the side sweeping fringe have grown louder. Maybe because more celebs have been seen sporting a sexy side-swept look?
Does that mean they’re back?
Is this fringe cool again?
For that reason I was thinking a quick refresher on the do’s and don’ts of blow drying this style of bang might come in handy in light of their comeback?
So if you’re ready to add a little Reese Witherspoon glam to your look keep reading.
Dos and Don’ts For Blow Drying Awesome Side Sweeping Bangs
- Do Expect To Blow Your Bangs
- Don’t Dither: Always Blow-Dry Right Away
- Concentrator Nozzle Is Not Optional
- Aim Right
- Blow Dry to the Opposite Side
- VIDEO: One Girl’s Take On Blow Drying Side Swept Bangs
- The Products Make The Fringe
- Switch Your Part Easily Give Your Bang Volume a Boost
- Keep Your Fringe Trimmed Up
If the thought of a salon perfect side fringe sends shivers of excitement down your spine lets get to it.
THE ONLY RULE: Do Expect To Blow Your Bangs
Here’s the thing. There’s one rule you typically can’t violate. Blow dry your bangs.
The reason is obvious, right? I’d hope so. Air drying can wreck-havoc on side sweeps.
DO blow dry your bangs.
Why not air dry? You want to control the shape rather than let your hair decide for itself how it’s going to lay. Or not.
DON’T think you can get to the fringe drying whenever letting your hair air dry too much. That way your arms aren’t aching, you’re not running outta styling time and they haven’t had a chance to do their thing which for too many seems to be to frizz up.
You simply can’t leave them to their own devilicious devices. So master your blow drying routine so you can become a savvy hair diva when it comes to styling side swept bangs.
HOT TIP: Round brush tension is the key to smooth and shiny, frizz-free hair.
And just to make sure it sinks in….
Don’t Dither: Always Blow-Dry Bangs Right Away
DO reach for your hair dryer like as soon as you hop outta the shower. There’s not a lot to bangs. They air dry faster than you might imagine.
So maybe give them a few in a micro fiber towel so they’re not dripping wet. Then let the drying begin.
DON’T give your bangs a chance to even think about air drying into some funky style of their choosing – which is typically going to be anything but sexy. Not to mention it’s hard, or at least time consuming, to undo.
So if you want results you can be seen with in public don’t dilly dally. Stay in control by drying sooner rather than later.
HOT TIP: Give your hair time to cool completely after blow drying. You want the shape to set before deciding if you need to “play around” with it.
Concentrator Nozzle Not Optional
DO remember your concentrator nozzle is meant to be used not tossed. (I won’t ask if you tossed yours.)
As the name implies it concentrates the air flow. That fights frizz and smooths your hair by directing the airflow to what’s on your brush (your bangs) rather than blasting willy nilly all over your head.
Done right you’ll be left with a fringe that’s flawlessly smooth and unapologetically sassy.
DON’T hold the tool too close to your hair. Even with heat protectant, (and you aren’t making the mistake of thinking you can get by without that hair saver are you?).
It’s usually best to keep an inch of separation between the nozzle and your round brush. Moving the brush through the hair so no one bit is blasted for too long.
Aim Right
DO hold your blow dryer so that the air is blowing down the hair shaft whenever possible. Here’s why. With the air flow aiming down the shaft you are not ruffling the cuticles. Unruffled cuticles make for silky smooth, shiny bangs.
DON’T forget to do this when your hair is getting to dry. Grab your round brush, and starting at the roots roll you hair under. This will shape the bangs and give them some lift so they aren’t stuck to your forehead from the get go.
HOT TIP: Don’t stop blow drying until you’ve gotten rid of any hint of dampness. As hair that’s damp can frizz up and lose its shape in a heartbeat. Especially when exposed to humidity.
Gravity Defying Booster: Blow Dry to the Opposite Side
DO blow dry your side sweepers to the opposite side they normally live on. Doing so gives things a bit of a lift.
Better still is to use the “Army Blow Drying Technique”.
You know. Left. Right. Left. Right. Meaning you want to brush them from side to side to tone down the Cowlick Effect.
Yeah this back and forthing will neutralize any cowlicks in all the wrong places by confusing them. For real.
This also encourages your bangs to fall straight.
DON’T blow dry away from your face too much. You want them to sit across your forehead. Not look like you’ve been riding a motorcycle without a helmet.
HOT TIP: Try to hold the dryer by the nozzle above your head with the nozzle aimed at the floor. Then use your brush to flip them from side to side until dry.
VIDEO: One Girl’s Take On Blow Drying Side Swept Bangs
When watching keep in mind her bangs need trimmed.
Which she admits.
Yet trimming side swept bangs is easy with our guide. Just saying.
Ideally you want them to extend maybe just below your eyes or so.
Nostril length or longer suggests it’s time for a trim. Hers hit her chin.
Suggesting that if this approach works with bangs this long just think how much easier it will be to style them with those that are in trim.
So those are the blow drying quick hitters for fearless side sweepers. But they are not the only thing that will affect the results you get from your styling efforts.
The Products Make The Fringe
DO use products as needed. Because products can be miracle workers.
Some add body. Others fight frizz. Others still can help your bang stay put or work to hold your fringe together and keep it from splitting. And who wants separated bangs?
The list of possibilities is endless. Obviously heat protectant should be number one. Non-negotiable. Such a small amount of hair is prone to heat damage if not properly protected.
Beyond that, well, the sky’s the limit. Since everyone’s needs are different here’s a list of some products to consider to keep your finicky fringe manageable.
- Dry texturizing spray
- Anti humidity hair spray
- Mousse or styling cream
- Finishing hair spray
- Anti Frizz serum or spray
- Dry shampoo for a mid-day rescue of hair gone greasy
This is by no means all-inclusive. Not meant to be. Rather it’s more of a quick hitter not deep dive, remember.
Still whatever you do
DON’T get carried away and use so much product so as to leave your bangs feeling crunchy. Or looking limp and greasy. Not a good look.
Remember with most any fringe you’re not dealing with a lot of hair. Which means they don’t need a ton of product.
How little is required?
Here’s a possible rule of thumb to keep in mind. Slather on your products to the rest of your hair as normal. Then apply what’s left on your hands to your fringe.
Warning: Apply too much product and don’t be shocked if a bad case of the greasies breaks out before noon.
HOT TIP: When done resist the urge to play with ‘em. Yeah, don’t disturb ‘em. In other words hands off. You want the bang to live it’s best life without much interference from you.
Switch Your Part To Give Your Bang Volume a Boost
DO Switch up your natural part to the other side if you’re not satisfied with the volume you’re getting at the roots.
Aside from producing an instantaneous makeover, this classic stylist trick generates a major volume boost in general. All the more with bangs that sweep seductively to the side.
This works all the better if you switch up before blowing them out. Making this a great hack for adding some sexy movement and glam to any side swept fringe.
DON’T go farther than the outer corner of the eye when reverse parting. If you’re looking to go deep remember there’s deep and then there’s too deep, know what I mean? You can still get a totally different look without going crazy.
Also don’t expect miracles if your hair is thicker. But the finer haired may well be pleasantly surprised by the volume bump they get.
Finally as hinted at in the video section above
Do Keep Your Fringe Trimmed Up
Make it easy on yourself. Keep your side swooping fringe in trim. That’ll make a difference when styling.
DON’T let things get out of hand length wise. Cause it’s that much harder to get your bangs to cooperate when they’re too long. Plus the added weight can result in a constant day long battle to keep them off your face unless you’re a fan of the excess use of hair spray.
This is not just a side sweepers thing. Keeping them tidy applies to all types of face framers. Which is why we share the step by step 911 on trimming bangs at home without screwing up.
So that’s a wrap. What did you think?
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