I’m guessing you’re here because you’re looking for help with robe belt curling your medium length hair.
You probably know there are dozens and dozens of videos on this hack that have been watched by millions.
Honestly, with this technique, for some the results are amazing.
For others not so much. Especially those with shoulder grazing strands.
So we thought it would be fun to run through two quick videos that showed the spectrum of results you can expect if you give robe belt curls a try. Because we both know it’s not all rainbows and unicorns when trying stuff like this.
The videos also reveal some tips and tricks plus a product or two that can help
Leaving it for you to decide if this no heat curling method is a keeper or an epic fail for those with medium length hair.
How to Nail Heatless Robe Belt Curls For Medium Hair
It’s a fact. Sometimes what works on long, lush locks doesn’t transfer to shorter strands.
And if you have shorter strands, don’t you just hate it that there seems to be a shortage of help for you?
Good news! This video is an application of the another robe belt curls tutorial we put together. Only difference being it’s being applied to shoulder length hair.
Oh and here’s another good post of ours that shows a side by side comparison of robe belt heatless curls done on medium AND long hair. Makes it easy to see how you have to approach each differently.
Anyway to get to the meat of this tutorial we’ve broken the video down into three parts. That way you can get the essence without a lot of time wasted on fluff.
How to Rock Heatless Curls On Shoulder Length Hair – Act 1 The Wrap
It helps if you think of this heatless curl method as more of a twist. Only instead of two sections of hair, one section is the belt and the other is your hair.
This video segment starts by covering how to part your hair, where to put the belt on your head, and then obviously the wrapping of hair around the belt.
It also brings up a potential problem with this method and shorter hair.
The process is pretty simple and the same as with longer hair.
- Grab about an inch wide hunk of hair.
- Wrap it around the belt.
- Add more hair like you would if braiding.
- Wrap it.
- Repeat until you run out of hair.
Her solution for how the hair in the back of her head gets wrapped was to go with bigger sections of hair. (We’ll see how that worked with the next video clip.)
When done simply go to sleep with visions of glam curls dancing in your head.
Robe Belt Curling Medium Length Hair – Act 2 Next Morning
The next morning reveal is like unwrapping a present on Christmas morning to see what you got.
For sure the hair curled. The curls are big and insanely bouncy with limited frizz.
To bring some sanity to the situation she breaks the curl clumps apart to loosen them up some. Then finger fluffs them.
Remember too you can fix any failures with a curling iron if you feel it’s needed.
Oh and take the bit about how she didn’t sleep well with things all curled up with a grain of sand. She’s very pregnant at the time of filming this video. And you know how that goes. Other YouTubers have reported they slept just fine.
Getting Loose Curls For Medium Length Hair – Act 3 Later In The Day
As you can see things have loosened up quite a bit. Going to more wavy then curly.
If you’re hoping the style goes more than one day certainly some product would help the curls to last.
Possible Product Assist: Ideas might be an extra hold mousse. Hair spray. Or try a smoothing serum like John Frieda Frizz Ease Hair Serum to both cut down on the frizz and amp up the shine.
The best serum for you obviously depends on your hair type, density and texture.
Next let’s see how this robe belt thing worked for another YouTuber.
No Heat Curling of Medium Fine Thin Hair
This is a unvarnished look at this technique on shoulder length hair that is anything but thick and lush.
Given it’s her second attempt at using a belt for curling this video has a lessons learned feel to it.
It’s almost like a mini seminar on the pitfalls to avoid. Especially with shorter hair.
She was willing to experiment and try a few things. Which is good. But was still unable to successfully replicate anything nearly as pretty as those doing this with long hair. In part maybe because her locks are fine, thin and honestly kinda limp.
Like others her biggest problem is the dead spot at the back. Too much of your hair back there doesn’t get curled when curling using a belt on medium length hair.
Although she too came up with a messy bun type style in an attempt to rescue the results. Which actually was kinda cute.
Hidden Takeaway: The idea is to get as much hair as possible wrapped around the belt. Because what isn’t wrapped isn’t going to be curled. This simple point is easy to overlook. Don’t.
Now products can help you cope with some of the challenges.
Volume Anyone?
As you’ve just seen nothing can take the air out of the balloon of the big curl unveiling faster than curls that lack for volume. Such a situation can leave you with a stringy mess that in no universe is considered pretty.
Which is why a volumizing type mousse is so clutch. Bodyfiers like these make for bigger lusher hair that almost seems to defy gravity.
Two such products that reportedly keep hair from flatlining worth checking out might be L’ange Hair WHIP Volumizing Mousse and SexyHair Big Root Pump Spray Mousse. Both were brought up by YouTubers using this bathrobe technique as products that helped their hair.
More Texture, Please
Then too, no heatless curling product arsenal is complete without some texturizing spray. If yours does not you’re missing out. Because they effortlessly infuse hair with a tons of unrefined texture. Here’s three worth mentioning:
- Got2b Beach Trippin’ Texturizing Spray and Garnier
- Fructis Style Mega Full Thickening Lotion
- Garnier Fructis Style Texture Tease Dry Touch Finishing Spray
All three have killer user ratings on Amazon. So they’re definitely user approved.
Being sprays you need simply to lift sections of your hair and spritz directly into your roots or your freshly curled locks. Then simply fluff as much or as little as you like. Easily creates SO MUCH volume and the illusion of heat styling.
These also add the slightest hint of grip. And can also be used in lieu of hair spray if the ones you’ve tried tend to weigh down your hair.
Work product tips and tricks like this into your robe belt curling routine and prepare to be amazed. So much so you’re gonna want to buy this stuff in bulk it works so well.
Anyway I’m not going sit here and say you’ll never have to use heat on your hair ever again. But robe belt curls give those with medium hair another styling option. A heatless option. And that’s a good thing.
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