It happens.
You had plans to wash your hair but there just wasn’t enough time.
Now what?
Now what is right?
Welcome to the world of so called “second day hair”.
You can arrive at its doorstep either by accident or on purpose.
By accident because you overslept.
On purpose because you’ve come to find out daily washing doesn’t do your hair any favors.
Either way this is an entirely survivable experience.
Still, why skip shampooing? Isn’t clean hair next to hair goddess-ness?
Well, for one it could be drying to your hair.
Two, you may want the natural oils your scalp produces to have a chance to moisturize your strands.
Three, who has the time to wash, blow out, and then style their hair every day?
Plus there is another advantage to taking a day off from the suds. A little extra oil on your strands will cut down on the frizz.
So if you are curious but still unsure, here’s a few
Video Tips for Second Day Hair
Terrific’s Take:
A few good points are made. For instance whenever you are washing your hair, you need to make sure you are getting your scalp good and clean. This is where too many take a shortcut and go through the motions of washing – but not really. You want to massage your scalp for a good 20 to 30 seconds. The lower portion of your strands will be cleaned by the lather running down them. Failing here only makes it harder to do second day hair on purpose and still look good.
Then if you have oily hair, use a lot of products, work out and sweat a lot, it’s only smart to use a deep cleansing shampoo. She reveals her favorite clarifying shampoo. But do heed her advice and only use this when you have to. Overuse it can be hard on your locks stripping away vital oils and so forth.
Sooner or later your scalp will stop being a 24/7 oil factory. Just don’t expect your scalp to adjust to the new washing schedule overnight. It will take time for it to cut back on the possibly crazy amounts of oil it has to be producing to compensate for your daily hair washing routine. This is where being dry shampooed can help you get over the hump. (If you need some ideas for that no fuss lifesaver, why not check out “What Do You Think About Dry Shampoo“?)
Also, how you style your mane can camouflage the fact it wasn’t washed today. Braids, buns or curls are a great way to do that. Styling around it like this is a great trick. Now’s also the time to break out the hot rollers and learn how to gently break up the resulting waves to end up with lush, alluring curls. Not to mention soft waves add just a ton of body making this a great option for those caring for fine hair.
Wash with conditioner. Okay, it’s technically not washing your hair, but it can help clean things up after a workout. Lord knows Wen and others have made a fortune convincing us to use a cleansing conditioner rather than shampoo. This is simply a variation on that theme.
Hairstyle Help
Okay so it was suggested you can style your way around any potential problems that may arise from not lathering up daily. The nice thing is second day hair DOES have more texture and it IS easier to style. Here are three fun ways to do just that.
Terrific’s Take:
What we find are three styling ideas for those of you who are running on 2nd, 3rd, or 4th day hair even.
As has been mentioned the first thing to do is to reach for you fave dry or waterless shampoo and use it to sop up any excess oil or grease you’ve got that’s taken up residence in your hair. Apply and work in. Then brush your mane to remove any residual leftover powder.
Look #1: Bubble Braid:
This starts with a side pony with a deep side part. As is pointed out it’s more or less self-explanatory once you’ve seen it done.
Look #2: Low Bun:
This look starts with a side braid which is then pulled back into the pony tail.
Be sure to get the bump action going there at the back of your head for a more voluminous look.
Then using a bun maker she quickly creates a super adorable look with the ends safely tucked in and hidden away.
I really love this one. If you have longer hair this is one you definitely want to add to your list of styles to try.
Look #3: Modified Ballerina Bun:
Again this starts with a high pony. This one takes a bit of teasing, a few bobby pins and a spritz or two of hair spray (no bun maker required).
And if all this wasn’t enough, here’s a quick slide show with 10 more styling ideas for your second-day hair.
Using Dry Shampoo and Other Second Day Tips
Second day hair can almost look and feel freshly washed. You just need to know how to finesse it. If you have a door opened for you with just a glance, you can manage this.
- The key is dry shampoo. It is a life saver for those who can’t wash their hair every day because doing so dries it out. A simple dousing of your roots with this oil absorbing product can clean them up and add a bit of tousled texture. It also refreshes, deodorizes and gives your hair back some of its lost volume. All while helping it to stay perky most if not all day.
- Styling pros advise you shake the can before each and every blast to keep the powdery micro particles properly suspended. Sounds right. Can’t hurt. You also want to keep the can about six to eight inches away from your hair for proper dispersion.
- For best results you need to massage it into your scalp but depending on the brand only after it has had time to dry. That’s right. For it to work its magic some of these needs to dry a bit. The way you can tell it hasn’t dried is if your scalp feels cold to the touch when working it in.
- Dry shampoo aside, to get some life into those day two tresses tease your hair at the crown. Gently smooth it over with your brush. Now that you’ve got the lift angle covered, pull it all together into a low ponytail. There! You’re now ready to face the day.
- Another time honored tip? Sleep on a satin pillowcase. Your style is more apt to survive the night intact. Well, at least mostly intact. Plus this type of fabric is easier on your hair in general and can cut down on breakage.
- Styling with hot rollers works great with second day hair because you only want to use them on strands that are totally dry anyway. So this is an awesome way to get the most out of your second day hair. The durable, voluptuous, party ready curls that result aren’t bad either.
- Another idea? Mist dry shampoo into your hair before turning off the lights for the night. This will help you to wake up with sexy texture and cleansed roots.
You may find that skipping the shampoo will eventually leave you with more of a sultry looking, low-maintenance mane. Because as you’ve just learned second day hair doesn’t have to mean grease ball hair. And it can eventually lead to healthier hair with an air of my-hair-just-does-this-on-its-own feeling because it looks so good naturally. And wouldn’t that be fun and exciting?
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