One way to make an instant style statement with your hair is to get bangs.
But not just any bangs. Blunt bangs.
A few snips with the scissors and you’re transformed by total hair style makeover that leaves you looking even more amazing.
Think of this fringe as a way to accessorize that uses your hair instead of shiny objects.
Still bangs like these are one of those things that always seem like a great idea – at least in theory.
But they do require some deliberate thought beforehand so you are prepared for the eventual reality that sets in should you follow through with the idea.
They for sure are not on a par with getting a pet yet you still want to carefully ponder the commitment blunt bangs will demand.
As the inconvenient truth behind the idea of blunt bangs is there is a lot of work involved in keeping them looking decently pretty.
While the other inconvenient truth is a windy or humid day can undo even your best efforts at doing that.
So while bangs of any type fall into the definitely high maintenance styling column, blunt bangs are all the more so.
And in case you’re new to all this…
Blunt Bangs Defined: These bangs are cut straight across your forehead making for one striking hairstyle. They are often left to graze your eyebrows or maybe even a bit longer. Being a heavier bang type they are a great way to frame your face. They draw attention to your eyes not to mention enhance cheekbones in a totally flattering way.
Now one thing to consider is your hair’s texture when deciding to take the plunge or not.
With Front and Center Bangs Your Hair Texture Matters
Those looking to jump on the fast track to instant glam find blunt bangs to be just the thing as long as the texture of your hair is suitable.
You can rock this fringe if you have naturally straight thicker hair say locks with medium to a bit thicker density.
You want enough hair to work with so the bangs will be well defined and nicely shaped.
Those with very slightly wavy hair also find this to be a doable style of bang.
Those with finer strands not so much.
Really thick hair poses problems too.
Either way, fine or super thick, there may be control issues with this style of bang. And who has the time or energy to grapple with uncooperative hair every morning?
While those with curly and wavy hair definitely want to skip the blunt.
Now if you want to keep your hair from looking like a hot mess there are some specific things you want to do when it comes to upkeep.
Why Shampoo Straight-Across Bangs Separately
Anyone with bangs knows how oily they can get between hair washings. And few will ever confuse limp and stringy with hot and sexy.
Besides this should not be breaking news. I mean they’re literally sitting on your forehead – a top notch oil producing part of your face if there ever was one.
But don’t freak out when that happens because I’ve got a fast fix for you.
Just remember to wash your bangs whenever you wash your face and you should be good. It’s takes a minute to wash them…another minute or two to shape and blow dry …and you’re back in business.
Simply take your spray bottle and spritz them with warm water, shampoo and blow dry. Do this before washing your face in the morning and you’re set for the day.
Time commitment? Five minutes. At most. Not bad for an approach to keeping your bangs looking fresh and bouncy that works.
Hands down this is the best blunt bang maintenance tip I can pass along.
Here’s the details
- Just tie or clip the rest of your hair back, use a head band to hold it back or use a shower cap the exposes only your fringe.
- Wash over the sink
- Towel dry
- Give it a quick blast with your blow dryer.
These simple steps will go a long way to helping your straight across fringe looking awesome every day.
Best of all with a little practice before you know it you’ll be able to do this without soaking the rest of your hair
Okay but if you want a fabulous fringe the blow out is critical.
Blunt Bangs Blow Out
Here’s another simple hack that will help you keep them looking as fab and as good as ever.
The hack is this. Make blowing out your bangs the first thing to down after stepping out of the shower. Never let them air dry.
The reason why should be obvious.
Bangs being short will dry faster than you may think.
Given a chance they fall into their natural shape and texture which may, or more likely may not, be what you want. So the sooner you blow dry them the better the outcome will be for you.
- Comb them into place
- With your dryer set to high point the air flow down the shaft so they lay flat on your forehead.
- Brush them to one side, the other, then straight down again using a vent brush or comb until dry.
- Hit them with hot air from above down always and you’re guaranteed they will lay perfectly without unwanted gaps or frizz.
- A cold shot at the end should help to further banish frizz too.
Key Point Here: As Instyle magazine points out you never want to direct the blow dryer or brush from underneath your bangs. This is a surefire way to create a rounded bang at best. Or a big headache at worst.
Now if stick straightness is the goal use a small flat iron while using your fingers to pull them taut.

How To Style Blunt Bangs With Flat Iron
Sadly some will discover their bangs can become unruly and out of control right from the start. That’s the time to haul out your mini or narrow flat iron. But only if they really need it.
When using your flat iron focus on the ends. Take care to stay away from the roots as that will produce a flat looking fringe.
Doing them in smaller sections will also produce a more natural looking result. You’ll preserve body and leave the natural movement undisturbed.
Another need to know is how to
Use Dry Shampoo to Sustain the Pretty
As already mentioned given their location, sitting right on top of your forehead, it should come as no surprise these may get the teeniest bit greasy from time to time.
Now you may be expecting the regular how to use dry shampoo on your bangs routine.
Surprise! Not this time.
Well at least not yet. For sure you can apply dry shampoo to rescue your bangs from death by grease and yes we will talk about how to do that in a sec.
But first we’re going to zig when most zag.
You see it’s generally a mistake to wait for your bangs to get all nice and shiny with oil and such before reaching into your purse for your trusty dry shampoo.
A better approach is to think preemptively.
In other words plan ahead.
If you apply this oil absorbing miracle substance before you need it you stop the oil in its tracks. That will keep it from meandering down the collective hair shafts of your bangs producing the situation that’s to be avoided at all costs or what stylists call greasy bangs. Yuck!
You’ll find it’s best to stay ahead of the game and prevent oil buildup before it happens – and it will happen. Even to the best of us.
But say this doesn’t totally handle the situation.
This is why your fringe may need a bit of a refresh during the day.
That’s why you’ll want to keep a canister of this dry shampoo in your purse since it can be an essential life saver. Because nothing rescues dull sagging blunt bangs on the go as fast as a shot of dry shampoo.
Don’t be stingy with the product. Spray liberally.
Work it into your roots as thoroughly as you possibly can.
The end result can be nothing short of miraculous.
Your fringe will be infused with bounce and regain that pristine all cleaned up look.
This can be repeated as many times as needed.
Vinegar Quick Fix
Another thing you may not have even thought of is a bangs-only diluted vinegar rinse. Mixing equal parts water and vinegar and dousing your bang’s strands works better than pretty much any clarifying shampoo.
Plus the vinegar rinse will seal the cuticles and before you can say “hocus pocus dominocus” a healthy shine will have set in bringing with it added body to the entire picture.
It’s a bit of stealthy styling alchemy that is all the more important if you have finer strands.
Greasy Bangs Avoidance Tips
Please stop touching your hair – this only accelerates the trip to oil city.
Be careful with products. There’s less hair here you know. Less hair requires less product don’t overdo it.
Should you be a fitness center regular great! Still all that sweat has to go somewhere. Which is why it’s smart to pin your bangs off your face or make use of a headband to hold them back so it’s not absorbed by them.
Got a Comb?
Did you know a quick flick of a fine-tooth comb can instantly restore order to bangs caught in the wind or starting to rebelliously separate?
Plus when your bangs are just learning the rules of the road those first few days running a comb through them from time to time can help train them how to properly frame your face.
This is why you’ll want to keep one handy in your purse. Plus maybe a compact mirror so you can check how things are going throughout the day.
Quick Product Preview
Depending on your hair you may want to stock up on various lotions, potions and hair elixirs. The idea is to hit that delicate balance between weighed down and all fluffy and puffy. Okay?
First item would be a light to medium hold hair spray to keep things in place and looking bold and fun. It’s also a cure for pesky flyaways.
Some find a volumizing spray or mousse useful for preventing limpness and keeping flatness from setting in.
And a touch of your favorite shine spray can’t hurt as long as it’s just a touch. Pomade can help polish the look as well.
Regular Trims Required
Here we go and I know you were just waiting for this one.
Fact is bangs like these will go out fairly quickly.
This growth happens in quite a noticeable way that’s hard to miss since you won’t be able to see.
So if you want to keep your blunt bangs looking perfectly flawless regular trims every three or four weeks are a necessity.
Many hair salons will do follow up bang maintenance for free. So ask before you cut to find out what your stylist does.
In a hair emergency you can attempt to do the trimming yourself although it’s very much not recommended.
I say that because you don’t want to pick up any ole scissors and start to hack away unless you really really know what you’re doing or are a fan of super short baby bangs. Since all too often self-trimming efforts turn out disastrously.
Remember such slip ups are not easy to fix.
Consider yourself warned.
But knowing some will disregard any warning and still want to cut their own for whatever reason as a public service here’s a video showing you how:
How to Cut the perfect Thick Fringe Bangs
Suggestions for Styling Hair With Blunt Bangs
Okay so now with blunt bangs you look absolutely adorable.
You radiate an air of confidence as you push open the salon door and emerge into the sunlight sporting hair to admire.
But now what?
How to do you pick and choose among the endless styling possibilities to find what’s cutest for you?
With a fringe like this…
Many find their ponytails are injected with an extra jolt of perkiness due to blunt bangs.
Ordinary half-updos project a special pulled back elegance making for a standout style.
Fishtail braids ooze a certain cool girl vibe at totally doable.
The sexy way these bangs bring other styles to life is why some feel they are so worth all the upkeep involved.
If a shortage of styling ideas is holding your hair back you really should follow our boards on Pinterest to discover how to add the wow factor your look lacks?

Congratulations–you wrote the perfect article on blunt bangs!!!!
Just got bangs and this literally answered every question I had!
Awwwww, so kind of you, Steph. Glad we could help!