It’s true.
Flattering bangs that keep you in attention’s sweet center need to be kept in trim.
Whether done at home or during a visit to the salon you don’t want them to get all overgrown and unruly.
Still if your fringe hasn’t felt the snip of scissors in too long and you got better things to do than booking time with your stylist you may be pondering going the DIY route.
Tempting, isn’t it? What can go wrong?
As it turns out, a lot.
Yet doing this yourself doesn’t have to be a painful ordeal that ends up going terribly wrong.
Learn how to safely remove the excess length, and maybe some of the bulk, and you’re good.
If you’re on the fence worried about screwing the pooch (as a friend of mine would put it) we’ve got a insanely helpful tutorial for you.
Think of it like a roadmap of what you need to know to reign in forever cute side swept bangs.
It gives you valuable tips from someone who knows how to work a side fringe.
You’re gonna love it!
Also those looking to switch up to another style of fringed hairstyle, like something sleek, straight across and eyelash skimming, well, you might want to check out our suggestions for trimming blunt bangs at home.
How To Trim Side Bangs At Home – Without Regret
Side swept bangs flow. Swoop. Typically run off a side part.
They’re a bit longer than the blunt, straight across variety.
Basically they are fantastically stylish face framers.
It’s just that flirty side bangs may not be as “in” as they once were. But some still love theirs.
And like any fringe they seem to grow crazy fast.
The rest of your hair not so much. At least it feels that way.
So what do you do when stuck between haircuts and that side swoop needs a trim?
For some answers hit play on this video clip. You’ll find it is quite helpful for those struggling to get the trimming of their side swept right.
It’s also perfect for those who have been unable to find a stylist to create the sassy result you are looking for. (Frustrating isn’t it?) Laying out exactly what you need to know to give it a go at home yourself.
Oh and should you ever tire of this style we’ve published more tips for trimming your own bangs. Showing how to snip in the awesome in no time for four types of brow grazers.
Tutorial: How to Trim Your Own Side Swept Bangs
Basically this quick tutorial shares four points to know when it comes to trimming side swept bangs.
Simple. Easy. With an outcome you won’t hate.
So yes, there are some great tips to be had here. Even one or two I’ve not seen mentioned elsewhere.
Before we get into it another point to keep in mind would be this one. Only use proper scissors if trim you must.
That would be sharp, fine tipped, thin bladed ones. Hair scissors only please.
Although I’ll admit in a pinch I’ve found any grooming scissors (think tiny eye brow trimmers) will do.
You want smaller blades in general because it cuts down on the odds of “user error”.
Oh and if you need a quick refresher on what to look for in hair shears we’ve got just the thing. Our look at what kind of scissors are best to cut hair give you just what you need to take matters into your own hands.
Then once you’ve got things back under control you might find these tips for styling a side swept fringe coming in handy.
Meanwhile back to the video here’s the …
Essential Step by Step by Timestamp
- 0:57 Part the front hair into a triangle and separate out the bang
- 2:15 Flip to cut them in the opposite direction you usually wear them
- 2:40 Cut the fringe straight across
- 3:12 Establish a reference point on your face to cut to
- 4:57 Point cut to thin out and texturize as needed
So here’s how to keep side sweeping bangs in shape yourself between haircuts.
Be sure to pay attention to the care she take as she parts the hair to get her fringe separated out from the rest of her hair. This is step often rushed through.
Like she pointed out you’re going for a triangle shape. If that doesn’t make sense it will once you watch the video.
Comb Them To The Opposite Side To Trim
After sectioning out the hair that makes up your fringe you want to comb it to the opposite side you normally wear them. She cuts diagonally straight across.
This leaves you with the hair on one side of the fringe longer than the other. Which is what you want. (The longer bit is on the side your sweep the bangs over to.)
Establish A Length Reference Point On Your Face To Cut To
She cut hers so the shortest length comes to the tip of her nose.
KEY POINT: Adjust your reference point depending on the length of your forehead. The tip of her nose is basically twice the length of hers.
Thought this bit about the length of your forehead was a very interesting point.
In general it’s extremely helpful to establish points of reference on your face to cut to. Helps insure consistent results each time, don’t you think?
Point Cut To Thin As Needed
The idea is to point cut out some of the weight at the ends. Not a lot. But enough to help the bang to lay better.
Now if you’d feel more comfortable knowing more we show you how to point cut bangs step by step. Also sharing seven tips you need to know to pull this off easily and without stress.
Naturally the typical rules apply here as with all in home trimming.
Like make sure your hair is washed, dried and styled.
That’s because wet hair shrinks when it dries, you know. Cutting when wet opens the door to being left with a bang that’s too short rather than just right.
But did you know it can also be easy to cut dirty hair too short too. That’s due to the weight of the oils in your hair dragging the strands down making them seem longer than they are.
Then you want it styled because it will look like it’s gonna look every day not just this day when you’re cutting it. So being styled is important to get an accurate picture of what’s really going on.
Hopefully you already know to cut it longer than you may think you need to. Then let go, step back and see where it falls. Snip more as needed.
Being cautious like this isn’t being chicken. It leaves room for a do-over rather than being stuck waiting for your bangs to grow out to the just right length.
Also some prefer to point cut the ends for a softer less chunky look.
Plus it’s a safer less scary way to take off length.
Bottom line? Just take your time and you’re more apt to end up with a trimmed down fringe that looks at least close, if not exactly, to the way you want it to look.
You know bangs that you love?
Rather than a hack job you stuck yourself with.
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