Struggling with a big ole cowlick that’s making your curtain bangs do weird things?
Or are you one of the super unlucky ones with two such unfortunate cowlicks?
Cowlicks can be murder alright. Real mischief makers. All the more when you have cute curtain bangs that are misbehaving and in need of correction.
Yet curtain bangs and cowlicks, while not a match made in heaven, are manageable as you’ll see in a bit.
True you’ll never totally banish any cowlick. But that doesn’t mean you can’t train it to play nice.
So if you’re constantly battling a hairline cowlick let’s pull back the curtain on some tricks and tips for styling these bangs you can try to get yours to radiate all kinds of sexy.
But first …
Can You Get Curtain Bangs With A Cowlick?
Good question. Turns out there’s no reason not to.
Any cowlick can be overcome. No matter how strong. You just need to trick your hair into doing something it doesn’t do naturally.
Which also means you have to be up for the challenge of daily styling. Because most find sleeping brings out the rebellious streak all bangs seem to have.
Another thing? You may have to be okay with a somewhat less than symmetrical look if you’re dealing with a cowlick right on your forehead. It can affect how your Bardot bang sits.
So if you’re bored with your look and have your eye on curtain bangs go for it.
Now for the nitty gritty of fixing them. As you’ll see there’s no reason to be frustrated with how they lay.
How To Fix Curtain Bangs With A Cowlick
Okay so a cowlick doesn’t have to ruin your bangs.
You can show it who’s the boss with a blow dryer and a brush or comb.
No idea how to blow dry them?
Here’s a useful technique to help you get maximum cooperation out of your fringe.
TIP: Its really really important you blow-dry your fringe immediately after your shower. You don’t want to give it any chance to air dry even for a minute.
Why? Bangs seem to have a mind of their own. Letting them start to dry and set their own way will leave you with a wonky bang that raises up and refuses to sit right.
So make sure blow drying them is the first thing you do once you take your hair out of the towel after your shower.
Now you want to use a round brush or comb and a low power setting on your dryer.
If you go with a round brush the idea is to provide some tension on the bangs as you brush them down your forehead. Basically you want to twirl the brush and dry them by flipping from side to side.
This stretches your strand and instills some smoothness. You may be surprised at how well this works to tame a cow lick. And how well your bangs will lay flat like you want when you do.
Again you want to constantly flip your fringe from side to side. Taking care not to leave it on either side for long.
Just to make sure you get it here’s a helpful video that shows what that means.
Remember. Set your blow dryer on slow speed and work the hair back and forth using the fine teeth of your comb. Or do the much the same with your brush.
For more on how to style curtain bangs with a straightener or round brush and blow dryer you might want to check out what four YouTubers have to say about this.
Who knows? You may just find a how to style French-girl bangs tutorial from the four that helps you get your styling game on lock.
One more thing. Obviously no guarantees with these fix-it tips. But from what I’ve seen these hacks should work with most any fringe suffering from cowlick conflict. They’re at least worth a try!
How To Style Curtain Bangs With A Cowlick
Having solved the cowlick dilemma next you may naturally be wondering how to get the swoopiness Bardot bangs are famous for. (Which is pretty easy once the cowlick is tamed.) Since we’re here we might as well explore that for a quick second, don’t you think?
The key is using the right blow drying technique. This video covers one approach in about two minutes here. For more we go into the “how to” in great detail in our look at how to blow dry curtain bangs.
So … after your fringe is dried to damp it’s time to blow dry it using your round brush.
First blow it dry straight back as shown in the video.
Basically you want your hair on the underside of the brush while twirling the brush away from your face. Doing so puts a bit of tension on the bang as you pull it forward with the brush. Which adds a bit of Farrah Fawsett swoop and volume into it.
Note too she used the nozzle on the dryer to concentrate the heated air.
When dry flip your hair back. What should happen is the bang should split in half falling to each side of your face with volume to spare.
Now for …
The Trick: Twirl each half the bang around the brush as you over direct the hair to the opposite side of your face while hitting it with the heated air. Do this to both sides. (You might want to spritz again a little water before firing up the dryer.)
The over-direction is the key. It stretches the hair straight and smooth. While setting the swoop with the heat so the shape lasts all day.
Then she uses creaseless clips to hold things in place as the hair cools and sets. Be sure to give your hair a minute or so to cool down before removing the clips.
Viola! A soft, swoopy look to your bangs Farrah Fawsett would be proud of.
So quick and easy too if you know the trick.
Oh and in case you’re wondering that’s a 2 inch round brush she’s using. The size to use kinda depends on how long your hair is. Most will find an inch and a half will suffice.
Now if your forehead turns into an oil slick over the course of the day do this. Hit your bangs with a bit of dry shampoo as a preemptive strike against any oily stringiness.
Anyway do it right and you should end up with curtain bang perfection.
One final tip.
No time to mess with your bangs today?
No problem. Just pin them back or tuck them behind your ears. Easy blendability is a natural advantage of curtain bangs anyway.
Having learned how to cope with cowlicks and curtain bangs I’m thinking you won’t want to miss more hacks like this. If that’s true you really should follow us on Pinterest. Our Hair Tips and Tricks board is rich source of must know ideas that can solve your most frustrating causes of mane malaise.
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