Not unlike a push-up bra, Velcro rollers can help give volume-challenged strands a healthy lift.
But that does no good if you’re literally pulling your hair out.
And don’t you just hate it to see Youtubers effortlessly yanking out their Velcro rollers without giving it so much as a second thought?
Their hair slides right off the curlers.
Nothing to it right?
What do they know that you don’t?
It could be you’re making some common mistakes and traumatizing your hair in the process.
Here’s the best way to take them out without snagging. Unroll don’t pull them out. Pulling or trying to slip the roller out can cause them to tangle. Instead simply grab the roller on both sides. Squeeze two fingers on your other hand onto the hair next to your scalp. Now gently unwind your hair off the curler.
Okay. So that’s the short answer. But there’s more you can do to avoid Velcro roller headaches.
Keep reading to find out how to easily get maximum oomph using these old school curlers without damage.
That’s right. If you’re using Velcro rollers for volume there are nine little known tricks that work for those struggling with using these without grief.
Nine Hacks To Help You Avoid the Hair Stuck In Velcro Rollers Dilemma
Most any YouTube video or Amazon listings for these guys share one thing in common. Comments from those who have had a horrific experience with them getting stuck. And it can be a nightmare.
But I often wonder if it’s the roller, which it certainly can be, or is it the technique that’s wrong?
Yeah “maybe you’re using them wrong” is the answer to your why do velcro rollers get stuck question.
Now since no one wants to spend 30 minutes painstakingly extracting their crowning glory from a carnivorous roller the solution you seek may be the tips that follow.
Try them out and see if you don’t have better luck avoiding getting your hair tangled up in the rollers.
Because let’s be honest. Few things are more important than knowing how to use Velcro rollers without them getting stuck.
Oh and before I forget, if you’re having endless frustrations there are other ways to skin the cat.
Nothing is guaranteed obviously.
Tangle avoidance is like that.
But there are alternatives that can work just as well as Velcro rollers some of the time.
So if nothing that follows helps all is not lost. You may find flexirods or sock curling to be a better no or low heat method for your hair. Or even heatless robe belt curls for medium hair. Just saying. And we lay out how to those three in step by step detail.
Anyway on to the hacks…
Hack #1: Now the first thing to do is to avoid rolling wet hair. This is important. Slightly damp is probably okay. But dry might be better if your fine strands tend to get caught in the grip of a roller easily.
Reason being as wet hair dries what does it do?
It shrinks.
And as it does so it goes deep into the Velcro where it can get caught in those tiny hooks. With a death grip that won’t let go.
Hack #2: Then smooth, silky hair is less apt to get tangled. Brushing helps. Or some might find using a leave in before rolling helpful.
But there’s a trade-off. That product move may make your hair too slippery. Or harder to keep the rollers in.
And then some say they lose the volume quicker when they do this.
So you have to weigh the benefits of not getting caught with not holding the lift created.
Hack #3:How you put them in matters. When using them to fight flatness put these self-grippers in top to bottom. Starting in the Mohawk area. Next catch the hair on the sides. Dividing it into lower and upper half if need be. Rolling each in turn.
Hack #4: Then too knowing how to take the Velcro rollers out of your hair matters too.
Pssssst. Here’s a secret.
Do so in the reverse order you put them in.
You know. Last in. First out. Or go from the bottom to the top.
The problem with taking them out top down should be obvious. Any hair released from the roller can fall and get caught up in curlers down below. Resulting in curler chaos.
This clip offers another little roller removal trick most people miss.
Pay close attention to how she uses her index fingers.
See how she lifts her hair off the roller with one as she’s sliding it down and out of her hair with her other hand?
This certainly looks to be another lifesaving hack everyone with problems getting these stuck should try.
Worth a try don’t you think if snarling is an issue?
Hack #5: The fifth hack is to be careful to section properly. That means don’t grab sections of hair wider than your roller. Otherwise you risk overloading the roller. When that happens hair can fall off the sides onto other rollers. Creating a big mess.
Hack #6: Along the same lines the more times you have to wrap the hair around a roller the more apt it is to get stuck. So proper sizing of the roller for the job is essential.
Hack #7: Number seven is a biggie. Make sure your hair is completely dry before removing them. Feel down next to the scalp to see if things are dry yet.
Hack #8: Running short on time and things haven’t cooled down? Don’t forget the cool shot on your blow dryer. Comes in handy when you need to speed that process along.
Remember too that when your hair has cooled it will be about as set as it’s gonna be. It means your hair has all the lift it is going to get so you don’t need to leave the rollers in any longer.
Hack #9: The ninth is simply a reminder that how you take them out matters. Some find that to avoid ensnaring the hair when taking the rollers out lifting them straight up and then slowly unwinding helps.
Also look to see if any stray strands are stuck to the underside of the roller. Doing so avoids having several bits of hair stuck to roller at once. If that’s ever happened to you, you know it’s something you don’t want happening.
This video clip by stylist and YouTuber Kayley Melissa shows you how to do that.
Typically if you used the right size, (and our roller size guide can help with that) and you didn’t overload it, the curler should release easily. Sliding off almost like you were brushing your hair.
One idea for the desperate is to try a different yet similar curler. Jet Set rollers are what I’d term as “near Velcro”. These work about the same but without all the little hooks that make Velcro so sticky.
This may be the best solution for those with fine or sparse hair since those hair types tend to get stuck more often than others. Which can lead to loss of hair you can’t afford to lose. Know what I mean?
Still despite your best efforts should the worst happen … don’t panic. Phone a friend.
No. For real. It can be near impossible to see what’s going on with your rollers using a mirror.
But someone else can see better why they’re stuck. Or how to untangle self grippers out of your hair.
Hopefully these tangle avoidance ideas can help you effortlessly get something not granted you by your Hairy godmother. Volume and body.
But that’s only good if you aren’t tearing your hair out in the process.
With any luck you picked up an idea or two to try if that’s a problem for you.
Don’t you just love tips like these? All the more if they fix a problem you’re having. So why not follow us on Pinterest so you don’t miss even one difference maker that can keep you looking foxy, daring and oh-so-cute, know what I mean?
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