Struggling to add lift, oomph and body to fine, poker straight hair?
Want to get that bounce and body without subjecting your mane to insane heat abuse?
Or maybe you’re completely lost when styling your hair?
If any of that applies then you MUST make Velcro rollers your new BFF. They’re a perfect way to adjust the volume without blow drying.
Okay so obviously this burning question is really asking how to become a roller girl.
To answer that we’ll spill the beans on some self-grip Velcro hair rollers tips betting one or two of them might just be the “aha” moment you’ve been looking for.
Why do this?
Well, from time to time we all would love to be a volume vixen, right?
I mean flat should be used to describe our abs not our mane.
And the single best (and hair safe) way to give those limp locks of yours tons of body is by becoming a roller girl and learning how to use volumizing and body boosting Velcro rollers.
It’s no stretch to say these rollers just have to be part of anyone’s sexy hair essentials. (Just like some insist hot rollers should be too.)
So let’s see if we can’t discover how to use these to give your mane an amazing shot of bounce, body and texture. All the better if you have thin, fine hair to begin with.
Quick Section Navigation
- Of Course Roller Size Matters
- Step by Step How To Use ‘Em
- Four More Quick Tips
- Time to Bring On the Heat
- Cool Down
- One More Little Known Volume Boosting Trick
- VIDEO: Velcro Rollers Made Easy
- Q&A: Are Velcro rollers bad for your hair?
- Q&A: How long do you leave Velcro rollers in your hair?
- Q&A: How do you clean Velcro rollers?
- Q&A: Why do Velcro rollers get stuck in my hair?
- Good Reasons To Discover Velcro Rollers All Over Again
And using them for fine hair’s a good place to start. To point out these are used, not just to achieve curly hair, but more to amp up the volume in a big way.
That’s right, these rollers will produce soft, full-bodied yet loose curls, not ringlets galore. Giving you serious lift at the roots with stacks of body and fullness throughout.
Oh and if you’re not convinced of the glories of these kinda weird looking stylers do check out the eight reasons for loving them down below.
Of Course Roller Size Matters
Now you can usually pick these volume wonders up by the bag which gives you an assortment of different sizes.
Conair and Goody both offer popular packs.
Or you can get a set of four extra-large rollers which are used to create lush body.
Generally you’ll want to use the biggest rollers on the hair at the crown or top of your head. Sticking to the medium sized and smaller ones on the side.
For more deets check out our Velcro rollers size guide. What size to use where is problem that perplexes many. Busy girls will get some much needed clarification in flash.
The good thing about Velcro rollers is they tend to stay in by themselves, provided you haven’t overloaded them with hair. But if your hair is thicker clips can keep things where you put them.
How To Step by Step
- While these rollers are used with dry hair it may be best to start off spritzing your hair with a styling lotion or tonic.
- Leave in styling conditioner can work too.
- Some just dampen their hair with water.
- Others wanting even more body and volume also suggest prepping with volumizing mousse.
Any of these can help set the hair. Some of those suggestions do more for the volume than others obviously.
- Next, you’re going to want to section off your hair. How many sections depends on how thick or coarse your hair is.
- It’s best to run a brush or comb through each section to eliminate any tangles.
- Then while hold the hair straight up and keeping a constant tension on it, run the roller to the end, hook the ends onto the roller and then roll it down towards your scalp.
Four More Quick Tips
You can roll them towards or away from your face. You can try it either way but you will likely find that rolling away from your face works best.
Once you have the four bigger rollers in place on the top of your head, do much the same using medium ones on the side.
True volume vixens avoid the all too common mistake and that is to overload the roller with too much hair. So much that the strands are falling off the roller. In other words the less hair the better.
Then too you want to use sections of hair that are no wider than the roller.
While those with thicker, coarser hair, just want to work with smaller sections and use more rollers.
Yeah But, How Long Does This Take?
Even if you have lots of thick hair, putting in the rollers still goes pretty quick. Figure maybe 10 minutes max once you get the hang of it and figure out what works with your mane.
Besides, 10 minutes isn’t all that long if the results are lush, thicker, fuller hair, now is it?
And Velcro rollers aren’t rocket science ladies. So don’t over think this.
It’s Time to Bring the Heat
Now that the curlers are firmly in place it’s time to heat things up some.
- A hooded dryer works well.
- Or you can give them a blast with your blow dryer.
Laying on the heat is key however. And there are a couple of tricks or hacks to keep in mind.
One would be to dig out the diffuser attachment that came with your hair dryer. This will give you the heat you need without all the air since there is no need to blow the hair all over the place.
Another trick would be to direct the heat through the inside of the rollers.
But basically you just want to heat up the strands for a few minutes to again help set the loose curl you’re after here.
Cool Down
After the heat treatment, it’s time to let things cool down.
Ideally you want to give the rollers at least 10 minutes although some will go about putting on their makeup, driving to work or whatever leaving them in even longer. Some for much longer.
You’ll have to play around with the timing to see what works best with your hair.
The general rule of thumb however is the longer you leave them in the better because you’re using them on dry, or nearly dry hair.
Then How About a No Fail Volume Boosting Trick That Almost Feels Like Cheating
Then here’s a different way to do this.
Ever considered putting the rollers in before your shower? (Obviously you won’t be washing your hair.) You might want to since the steam from the shower will generate super lift between shampooings producing a lioness-like voluminous mane.
Even better this is a great way to fake fresh hair with second day hair.
The result can be voluptuous volume that looks like you slaved in front of the mirror for hours to achieve. When nothing could be further from the truth since all you did was shower with them.
Velcro Rollers Made Easy
As you can see the difference can be nothing short of amazing. Don’t you just love how your hair can go from body-challenged to displaying a voluminous fullness you can’t easily get any other way? This styling technique gives you a totally feminine, easy-to-handle style.
Now I’ll admit when pressed for time hot rollers are probably your volume adding tool of choice. But if time isn’t an issue, Velcro rollers are your ticket to ultra-luscious, gloriously thick looking hair.
Finally how about a few answers to questions we get or are commonly asked about these game changers?
Are Velcro rollers bad for your hair?
Short answer: no.
If you don’t use heat to speed up the drying they can’t cause any damage like you might get with any hot styling tools including hot rollers.
Even if you do heat them up, it’s still way less heat exposure than your strands normally get I’ll bet.
On the other hand you can experience more breakage if you tend to tear these out of your hair rather than gently unrolling them.
How long do you leave Velcro rollers in your hair?
So how long are you going to have to play the waiting game?
Good question.
Basically you’ll want to leave them in long enough for your hair to dry and the curl to set.
How long is that? Depends on how long and thick your strands are and how wet they were when first rolled up.
With experience you can let your hair air dry to the point where it’s like 85-90% dry so as to leave about an hour of wait time usually.
You can always speed that up by sitting under a hooded dryer or blow drying. (You may find this little bit of heat also gives you impeccable curls.)
These Conair rollers on Amazon should be able to withstand the heat no problem.
While the Biosilk site offers three blow drying tips:
- No all-out full blast – low speed only
- Aim the air down the hair shaft or the same direction it was rolled to avoid an appearance by Mr Frizzy
- Allow your hair to cool down fully (15-20 minutes) before removing the rollers
Letting them cool down completely is important so worth repeating.
Related Content
How do you clean Velcro rollers?
Picking stray strands off Velcro curlers certainly isn’t my idea of fun. Plus they can get kinda grungy after a while what with hair spray, texturizing spray or other products used.
So yeah. They do need cleaned up from time to time. Here’s what you do.
Sally Beauty suggests rubbing two of them in opposite directions rotating them as you go to get the hair off. This will cause the hair to collect in one spot for easier removal.
- Run some warm water into your sink.
- Add a squirt or two of clarifying shampoo.
- Use your hand to swish them around.
- Then let them soak some.
- Finally swish again, rinse with cool water then lay out on towel to air dry.
If you must you can always follow up with a second swish session using diluted white vinegar this time for a super clean.
Why do Velcro rollers get stuck in my hair?
Yeah taking them out is where things can get tricky. So do Velcro rollers pull out hair?
All those tiny bristles found on your rollers which help hold them in place so well are just tangles waiting to happen when you go to take them out. Or worse they get stuck.
The way to avoid this is take your time and unwind them S-L-O-W-L-Y one at a time. Never yank them out in one go. Unless you like wasting time getting them unstuck!
Tip Worth Trying: Unroll the curler just enough so you can grab your hair at the roots. Then slide the roller down the section and out instead of unrolling it.
It also helps if you brush out each section before rolling so your hair is smooth and tangle free.
While a common mistake to avoid is snugging these up as tight as you can using loads of tension as you roll. No need. It just makes them harder to take out.
One of our recent posts discusses how to use Velcro rollers without getting them stuck in much more detail. Sharing 9 good to know hacks to help you avoid facing a dilemma like this yourself.
So now you know. That’s how to remove Velcro rollers without ending up with a tangled mess or worse damage to your hair.
Good Reasons To Discover Velcro Rollers All Over Again
You can get a headful for $10 or less at the dollar store. Beyond that you may want styling mousse or flexible hold hair spray and roller clips, not pin curl clips, and you’re good to go. Glamor made totally affordable.
Tip: In a pinch a bobby pin can hold any in place any free spirited rollers that want to unravel on you.
Towel dry. Then do a quick blitz to damp with your hair dryer. Run in some styling mousse and start rolling while your hair is still warm. Wait for them to cool down. Viola!
Give your locks a lushness, body, and fullness not locked in so easily other ways.
Tip: Just make sure the ends are smooth on the roller not jammed up against it.
Slip into your carry-on luggage no problem. Nothing bulky to pack or lug around.
Use a little hair dryer heat to seal in the styling power of these old school gems followed by a cold blast from your blow dryer. When done, if you like, gives things a quick shot of flexible hold hair spray to preserve the lift and keep the curls behavin’ and in place.
Tip: Here’s another way to help make the oomph last. Do a light spritz of setting spray or hair spray on each section before wrapping it around the roller.
And yeah you’re using heat. But WAAAAY less than your hair would be exposed to by blow drying it for 25 minutes straight.
These versatile Velcro curlers come in all sizes for a reason. Customization. So not only can those with mile long locks can use ‘em.
Got short hair? Break out the smaller rollers to create volume around the crown!
In fact when we published our post on how to use Velcro rollers on short hair we shared six rules for using these on shorter strands for insane body.
While those with the shortest of lengths know Velcro curlers work for short pixie hair too. Giving you a way to make even short short cuts more original and less boring. Simply by adding an element of dimension to your edgy, cool girl style.
Tip: That said girls with long hair do want to stick to bigger rollers if they want some serious body rather than curliness.
A big selling point of Velcro is how easy they are to use. If you’re rediscovering them for the first time you may shocked at how easy. Oh and when you take them out use the roller as a mini brush and gently drag it through your hair.
Tip: Watch your section sizes. Nothing wider than the width of your curler please!
HINT: The neater your hair looks all Velcro-ed up the better the outcome. Might help to keep rollers from getting stuck or tangled too.
In a rush? Pop in three or four down the crown of your head. Do your makeup. Then remove and unleash voluminous hair. Quick and easy and all in just 15 to 20 minutes of wait time.
If you could use more low maintenance, hair safe styling ideas like this check out us out and follow us on Pinterest. Bet you’ll be glad you did.

Is it good idea to cover with a net before sitting under a soft bonnet dryer?
That’s not a bad idea. Thanks for sharing it!
What a wonderful tip, Silvia. Thanks for sharing. 🙂
I have been using Velcro rollers for years! My hair is fine and easily damaged by heat tools, so I exclusively use Velcro rollers. One tip I learned recently that really boosts the volume at my roots is to back comb the sections around the crown then add a spritz of hair spray before putting in the roller. This eliminates the need to back comb after removing the roller before styling, and just gives better volume. Also, when I blow dry my hair, I hang my head upside down and only use the dryer on the roots, so the ends don’t dry completely. This is less heat on my hair, and virtually no heat on my fragile ends, and leaving hair slightly wet when putting in the rollers means better hold when rollers are removed. I run the dryer all over my head for a couple of minutes once they are in then I let them sit 20 minutes or so while applying my makeup, and they are ready to remove when makeup is done. I hope this helps someone, and happy rolling!
Excellent ideas, Sherry! Thanks so much for sharing in such detail. Your approach is certainly worth trying and should help some poor volume challenged souls!