Self-conscious about having not having tons of volume in your hair?
Here’s all sorts of little tips you can use to help poof things up with Velcro rollers.
Often if you apply one or two of these ideas the difference can be amazing.
So if you’re a volume lover, and who isn’t, see if you can find any difference makers in the hacks that follow.
KEEPER TIP: Be patient with yourself. There’s a definite learning curve to these guys. While they don’t take forever to get the hang of it will take a few times to figure out how best to use them in your hair. Okay?
To get you there here’s what we’ll cover. If you’re having a particular challenge you can skip directly to the topic you want to know about the most. (Even better, each section links to an in-depth article on our site for even more help.)
Get Volume Without Teasing Using Velcro Rollers
- 9 Tips For How To Use Velcro Rollers For Volume
- How to Tips For Using Velcro Curlers On Short Hair
- How To Put Them In Medium Length Hair
- Long Hair and Velcro Rollers: How to Use ‘Em
- Sizing Up Self Grippers – Best Sizes For Best Results
- Are Velcro Rollers Damaging? Yes and No!
- Tips For How To Keep Velcro Curlers From Getting Stuck
- Is Blow Drying The Secret For How to Use These Guys On Dry Hair?
- Uncommon Velcro Hair Roller Tips
9 Tips For How To Use Velcro Rollers For Volume
One thing to remember when going for a more voluminous look is to roll away from your face. This gives you a face framing style that leaves you with believable, face framing body.
When placing them on the side of your head that also means putting them in vertically rather than horizontally. It’s a small thing that makes a subtle change to the shape of your hair making it look like there’s more volume than there is.
KEEPER TIP: Once removed reach for extreme volumizing powders like It’s point, spray a tiny puff, then fluff for instant volume. Add a dash to your scalp near the crown area and prepare to be impressed.
One more little hack? Blow dry to the opposite side you normally part your hair on. Then flip back when styling.
Of course there’s much more you can do. Here’s our guide covering what you need to know on how to use Velcro rollers for volume. You’ll think your limp locks died and were reincarnated with never-before-seen fullness.
How to Tips For Using Velcro Rollers On Short Hair
When looking add volume to short hair some find self-gripping curlers are their BFFs.
Specifically, short haired girls want to go with the tiny ones.
Okay so that’s hopefully sorta obvious.
But despite their diminutive size they can create high impact volume in a pixie. Or the soft curls in otherwise shorter strands you’re looking for.
Here you’ll want keep the sections on the very small side.
KEEPER TIP: And don’t be alarmed it you are unable to wrap a full revolution of hair around the curler. That’s okay. Work with the length of hair you have.
Also a setting spray spritzed pre-rolling isn’t a bad idea.
One final point. With shorter hair take it easy when removing. Tugging too vigorously could cause things to fall flat.
For more on giving a body boost to short hair you may want to check out our deep dive into how to add volume to short hair using small self grippers.
How To Put Velcro Rollers In Medium Length Hair
Medium length locks are always popular.
But some find they need a little encouragement to get a style that at least appears to have more body.
Or you may be looking to fake a blow-out look of sorts with your mid-length hair.
To accomplish that getting lift at the roots is no less important here than other lengths.
One solution that comes to mind would be back combing to pump up the volume.
But not everyone is a fan of that body building technique.
Which may be why they turn to a Velcro roller set for mega-lift at the crown. That’s often the go-to trick for locks that are longer than a the short stuff.
KEEPER TIP: If you want to create the look of ultra-luscious body remember this one. You want lift the hair straight up off the scalp so you’re always rolling down not up.
If you remember nothing else remember that one please!
Now don’t be shocked if you find jumbo rollers work best even with hair that barely grazes your collar bone.
Also shoulder length hair most likely won’t wrap around such sizeable rollers more than twice – if that. Even the Mohawk section. But that’s fine.
It may also mean you’ll need to secure the roller with a clip to get it to stay. Again totally fine.
In other words what size Velcro rollers are best for medium hair may be bigger than you expect.
Finally you’ll often split the hair on the sides into two halves rolling up the upper half. Only for the sides using rollers one size smaller than were used in the Mohawk area.
As for the lower half, well, rolling that up is optional. The volumized upper half hair will cascade over it. So no one will know that under-hair, for lack of a better term, isn’t as poofy.
Want more? Check out our post covering what size Velcro rollers for medium hair to use and more for maximum volume.
Long Hair and Velcro Rollers: How to Use ‘Em
So having looked at Velcro roller and short and medium length hair that brings us to longer locks.
Just keep in mind many stylists feel these guys work best on short to mid-length tresses.
Now longer hair means more hair to keep in line. Which is why going with jumbo sized rollers is a smart move.
Besides the end result you get from going with bigger self-grippers is more like a blow out. Which is the look many are going for anyway.
KEEPER TIP: It’s important to roll from the crown area of your head down.
Here’s why. With so much hair if you go bottom up it’s pretty easy to have loose hair in the crown section get tangled with rollers already in place towards the bottom. Not what you want.
Also be ready to clip the rollers in place. Even taking smaller sections longer hair means more weight. Expecting the curlers to stick securely on their own is probably setting yourself up for disappointment.
Strands hanging over the edges is not recommended either. It’s both messy and risky. So keeping the hair across the middle of your roller is best. Yet you may find it harder to do that.
This is where pinching in the sides of the section as you are rolling up can make a difference. It gives you a neater result. With less risk of hair falling off and getting tangled into other rollers resulting in a big mess.
In addition to these ideas you might enjoy another post of ours. One that shares pretty much everything you need to know about how to use Velcro rollers on long hair. Click that link to read it on our site.
Sizing Up How to Use Various Sized Velcro Rollers
Whether it’s how to use jumbo, big or medium sized Velcro rollers there are a couple of critical questions that always come to mind.
How do you decide which are the right sized self-grippers for your hair?
And is there anything else you should consider?
These questions may be onto something. As one of the huge difference makers is the size of roller you use. It determines what results you get. As does the length of your hair.
That’s why we put together something like a hair roller size chart. It compare the various Velcro roller sizes helping to give you a starting point at least.
KEEPER TIP: As you probably know the smaller the roller used the curlier your hair will be when finished.
Although curls aren’t really what you’re going for here. It’s volume. Remember?
Chin length cuts often respond best to medium sized rollers.
While with shoulder length or longer you can use medium, large or even jumbo size.
In most cases the largest size roller that works is your best bet. That will give you volume to spare.
If more bend and bounce is what you want maybe try something more medium sized. Especially throughout the Mohawk area. Switching to smaller ones for the hair on the sides.
Another thing to keeping in mind? You want to coil the hair around the roller as few times as you can. So size accordingly.
Two or three times is about right. If you have to wrap more than that move up to the next size.
Are Velcro Rollers Damaging? Yes and No!
Look. If we’re being honest anything you do to your hair can damage it if done to excess.
Plus isn’t it the how you do it that matters more so than the what you do?
For example hot styling tools can be quite damaging especially if you don’t use heat protectant.
Yet one way to get the most out of these old-school gems is to run a flat iron over a section of dry hair before rolling up. This is a great way to impart the heat needed for a roller set.
For those worried about the heat remember it’s a relatively small amount. Plus heat protectant can spare your locks the consequences.
Also compared to back combing this approach is probably healthier for your hair, no?
KEEPER TIP: If you feel this is too much heat look into a soft hooded bonnet run off the heat from your blow dryer. Used after damp hair is rollered up this dryer add on uses a gentler, distributed, less damaging heat.
Removing the self grippers can be damaging too. Solution? When uncoiling go slow. At least until you get the hang of what works with your hair without it getting snagged.
Whatever you decide it’s important that your hair is thoroughly dry and cool to the touch before removing the rollers.
As you know hot/warm hair can be very fragile.
Plus it easily loses its shape when it ultimately cools down if the rollers are removed too soon.
Or if you’re a no heat absolutist you can always brush your damp hair smooth, spritz with hair spray, apply the rollers, and then wait as your hair air dries. That avoids any risk of heat damage altogether.
How long this takes depends on how long and thick your hair is and how much you’ve got wrapped around each roller.
Tips For How To Keep Velcro Rollers From Getting Stuck
Do you shy away from these self grippers because you’re scared they’ll get stuck? Which means you’ll have to pull, or worse, cut them out taking precious hair with them?
One little known trick is to use the biggest ones you can that produce results. Reason being the more times you roll the hair around the roller the more apt you are to have problems taking them out.
Then too if you start smooth, as in brushed out and detangled, you also lessen the risk of them getting tangled.
KEEPER TIP: Never place the roller at the very end of your sectioned out hair. Depending on the length it’s better to stick it about an inch or so from the ends. Gently wrap that overhang around the roller just not too tight. From there roll the hair on your curler on down towards your scalp.
Some have success unrolling or unwinding the curler out of their tresses.
Others find removal goes easier if they slide them out using the roller to like “brush” the hair as it releases.
Admittedly this just scratches the surface of how to keep Velcro rollers from getting stuck. That deeper dive of ours has two videos demonstrating two removal techniques which I felt were game changers. Worth a quick peak if this is a concern.
Is Blow Drying How to Use Velcro Rollers On Dry Hair?
It’s usually not a good idea to use Velcro rollers on wet hair. That’s because too often you can up with a a tangle frizzy mess that’s more prone to damage.
So some feel the best way to use these is on dry hair.
- Section out the hair to be wrapped around your roller
- KEEPER TIP: Spritz the roots with light hold hair spray
- Heat the entire section up with a hairdryer and round brush to give the hair some bend
- Put the roller in coiling it in the same direction you round brushed
- Clip as needed to hold securely in place
- When all the rollers are in hit each with one final blast of heat
- Leave them to cool to the touch. Better still for as long as you can
- Gently tug the roller out, fluff and you’re done
Any questions? If so you’ll want to check our detailed look at how to use Velcro rollers on dry hair with the help of a blow dryer. You won’t be sorry you did.
Uncommon Velcro Hair Roller Tips
Again, the whole idea is to get volume at the roots.
KEEPER TIP: One way to that is by over directing the hair before rolling up. This will help you can squeeze out every single bit of lift out of your hair.
Fact is over direction is the key to optimizing your volume.
The more you over direct the more lift you’ll get at the roots. The less you over direct or if you don’t over direct at all the less volume you’re going to get.
To do so lift the section straight up away from your scalp. Holding it there as your put the roller in. The roller will keep the root lifted as it cools. That’s what gets you the bouncy body you want to add to your crown.
Now the thicker your hair the more sections you’ll want to divide it into and the more rollers you’ll need to use.
Also applying dry shampoo right after washing makes a world of difference for some when it comes to volume.
Another trick? Spray each section with volumizing hair spray after rough drying but before you roll it up.
All the more if you have fine or hair that’s on the thin side. (Focusing the product on the roots if you can.) Great way to get near instant volume that lasts.
Don’t you just love tips and tricks like these? Especially if they help you get a natural full bodied look so easily?
If so then why not follow the tricks and tips board we’ve got on Pinterest? That way you won’t miss out on the one idea that might just make all the difference for your hair.

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