Don’t you just hate how some seem to know all the tips and little tricks for getting full, bouncy hair that’s loaded with all sorts of sexy swing and movement?
Their hair always seems to look thick and oh so amazing, doesn’t it?
They seem to never have a bad hair day.
Plus you never hear them complain about how much work it is to look that good.
Must be nice.
It is. And it can be nice for you too with the fuller thicker hair hacks that are coming right up.
Because guess what? All it takes is knowing a trick or two or three and you too can turn up the volume even on styles for fine hair like there’s no tomorrow.
So despite the fact no one is going to accuse you of having big, voluminous hair that doesn’t mean you’re stuck living life with flat, limp, lifeless locks.
Plus it’s crazy how much better you’ll feel with a little more lushness to your strands, right?
So if you’re sick of hair that is volume challenged here are over 19 ways to coax those fine strands to show off voluptuous volume.
Some are simple tweaks.
Other are bigger changes.
All can improve how thick your hair looks.
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As you can see we tried to organize this info in a common sense way along the lines of tools, products, then tactics and techniques.
Despite that, like most purses, I feel it’s still slightly disorganized. But you’ll still get the idea even if some are not categorized like you would have done it.
That said, let’s dig in.
#01 Big Barrelled Curling Iron
Curling iron rule to live by – the bigger the barrel the bigger the curl the bigger the hair.
What’s not to love? Especially as a seeker of volume this is a solid way to develop gravity defying hair.
It’s even better when you actually know how to use curling irons to transform those fine strands of yours. If you suspect you’re missing out on getting the best from your iron, get some more fine hair magic here.
#02 Tap the Magic of Ceramic
Some find thicker, more lustrous strands can be had simply by using a ceramic round brush during their post shower blowout.
Here’s why.
The thermal properties of the ceramic barrel cut drying time because it naturally retains and more evenly distributes the heat. Not to mention the additional side benefit of smoother, less frizzy results you get with these.
#03: Rollin’ Rollin’ Rollin’
Velcro rollers anyone?
Easily overlooked I know since it’s kinda an old school styling technique. But give your locks 15 to 20 minutes all rolled up and you’ll walk out with all sorts of highly desirable oomph and body.
To make it last beyond the big reveal you can always try lightly misting soft hold hairspray on each section of hair before the roll up.
Best of all going Velcro means you don’t really need to master any particular technique to get oodles of volume. Still if you would like to look like you know what you’re doing check out this step by step guide on how to use Velcro rollers to secure that sometimes elusive big sexy volume.
Now as long we’re talking throwback ideas here how about …
#04 Ever Been Pin Curled?
Want an old fashioned trick that produced loads of body for your great grandmother back before hot styling tools even existed?
Two words. Pin curls.
That’s right. Bobby pin up your hair and hit the hay. That’s how great grandma would have done it.
Wake up and greet the morning with more voluminous curls than you know what to do with.
Brush them out for less curly waves and you’ll find you still have plenty of manufactured body to spare.
Volumizing Products
#05 Dry shampoo
As you know an oily scalp can lead directly to flat hair. No passing GO. No collecting $200 dollars.
One near miraculous modern day way to cure that is with dry shampoo. This product will not only sop up any volume killing oil and refresh your hair, but it can thicken and add to the illusion of volume you don’t really have.
But there’s more. The proactive will apply this before styling even freshly laundered locks. Doing this will slow down any unwanted oily buildup and plump up your strands from the get go. And maybe buy you an additional day between shampooings.
#06 Anti Humidity Hair spray
Any anti humidity hairspray worth its salt should pull double duty. Given half a chance it can work it’s anti frizz magic and add volume in where you need it most – at the roots. Best of all it should do that without leaving your hair feeling ramen noodle crunchy because who wants that?
#07 Volumize As You Shampoo
When you lather up reach for a body building shampoo – hint: the word “volumizing” should appear on the label.
This tried and true tact can work surprisingly well to lift and fill out your mane almost thickening each individual strand. The best of them really do have what it takes inside the bottle to make your hair appear to be fuller and thicker. You just don’t want anything that will leave your hair feeling oily or heavy.
#08 Go Easy on the Conditioner
Yet for some what the shampoo giveth the conditioner taketh away. But that’s only because you’re doing it wrong if volume is the goal.
So don’t you dare go anywhere near your scalp with this stuff. That’s right, limit this product to the lower third of your strands which is going to be the most parched anyway.
Then just to be safe be sure you thoroughly rinse it out to eliminate any chance it might weigh down your locks the least little bit.
Finally check this out if you are the least bit curious about what signs to look for that suggest you may be over conditioning.
#09 Get Right With Mousse
Here’s another old “lift and volume” standby that likely needs no introduction. Easy to use, it can bulk up puny strands effortlessly. It has helped women coax fine, flattened tresses into something more lush, voluminous-looking for decades.
Still this helpful article looks into the six questions you should ask about mousse.
#10 Let Me Clarify
Naturally some use styling aids to make up for the volume their hair lacks naturally. Which isn’t a bad idea.
Problem is after a while those can build up and weigh things down and that defeats the purpose. Which is why you also want to incorporate a weekly clarifying shampoo session into your shower routine to rid your strands of any unwanted buildup.
Proven Tactics and Techniques
#11 Tease Out Some Lift
It’s no surprise this oldie but goodie, you know back combing the hair nearest the roots to get some added height at the crown, made the list.
And when I say back comb let’s call it more “thoughtful” teasing. Some have called it “strategic” teasing. By that I mean don’t go at it like a wild woman because gently teasing the roots alone can add some needed oomph to your mane.
Even better, rather than use a comb ever tried using your brush? You’ll want to focus on the hair that is underneath and go at it section by section. If this isn’t clear the video below lays it out so it is.
Just keep in mind that while backcombing can add lift it’s not exactly “run your fingers through my strands ready”, now is it?
#12 Score Effortless Volume While Catching Some Zs
Effortlessly add volume while you sleep with either of these two overnight cheats.
Yeah you can either pull your hair into a bun on the top of your head secured with a soft scrunchie or use a sock and generate some sock bun curls overnight.
Try this and you’re liable to wake up to lush, sexy waves that not only look totally cute but pack loads of volume too.
#13 Camouflage with Color
Itching to try one of the gorgeous hair color ideas you’ve seen in magazines? Now’s the time if you’re looking to create fuller hair in abundance. The fact coloring agitates the cuticle just a bit thus creating body in the process makes it a worthy, if unexpected, volumizer.
Speaking of color there’s another way to use it which you could say is body made in a shade.
#14 You’ll Want to Highlight This One
Volume junkies naturally sense highlights are a great way to add the depth and dimension you need to make your mane look fuller even if you aren’t into going for a complete color makeover.
Many find that thin streaky highlights not only give you a volume boost they do so without fear of constant color maintenance.
Of course something in a soft sombre or subtle babylights might be more down your alley. There’s also something to be said for the depth peekaboo highlights can add to your style.
#15: It Won’t Kill You to Sacrifice a Little Length for Volume
Long, Marsha Brady-like, stick straight strands may be okay for TV. But as you know the longer the strands, the more they weigh, and that does nothing to fix your volume dilemma. Which is to say a volume enhancing haircut might be in order.
Something in a medium length, layered bob can produce a stunning effect and add bounce to your hair.
Now if you’re searching for the perfect cut that can work wonders maybe we can help. Here’s an article that explores bob hairstyles you won’t hate. While this one covers how to style a bob if that would be helpful.
#16: Blow In The Fullness
How you blow dry your hair can affect the amount of lift and fullness it retains. Okay no news there.
Still for that reason you want to keep the cold shot button on your blow dryer fully depressed for like five seconds to blow a burst of coolness on any freshly dried section of hair to seal in both an iridescent shine and build in some staying power into your more voluminous roots.
#17 Make That Upside Down Please
Then too most anyone looking for volume will want to blow dry their hair upside down. This works because the roots are lifted off your scalp and when dried that way you’re creating natural volume that doesn’t otherwise exist.
If it helps here’s more tips for on volumizing blowouts.
#18 Kill The Ions
Not necessarily one that comes to mind readily but felt the need to point out that some claim the ions dispensed by ionic blow driers may be unseen volume saboteurs in that they take the air out of the volume you’ve worked so hard to create.
So while negative ions may be great for sleek and shiny strands maybe not so much for gravity defying lift.
#19 Hit the Beach
Most everyone finds that beachy waves naturally aid in creating the look of thicker hair. This happy accident occurs in the salt air and it’s the tousled piecey-ness of it all that is so sought after. If that sounds like fun watch the videos that will put you on the fast track to awesome looking beach waves even if high tide is thousands of miles away.
#20 Parting Thoughts
Only feeling a little adventurous? In that case try this trick to camouflage those sagging locks. Simply switch up your part.
Yeah, volume starved girls quickly learn that flipping their part to other side develops instant lift at the crown. Remember the deeper the part the more height you get. A light spritz of hairspray can hold that newly found body then throughout the day.
Oh and for more parting thoughts you might want to check this article out that covers ideas on which way to part your hair.
Video Tutorial Demonstrates 10 Volumizing Tips
This fast paced video shows some of the suggestions in action.
Now admittedly a lot of ground is covered so this runs over ten minutes. For that reason I’d suggest you speed up the video, sit back and take it all in.
But if you don’t time for that here’s a little time line of what’s covered when so you can jump to just the tips you want to see. You’re welcome.
- Video Tip #1 Shampooing and Conditioning 0:22
- Video Tip #2 Volume Boosting Spray 1:15
- Video Tip #3 How to Blow Dry 2:16
- Video Tip #4 Part Switch Up 3:41
- Video Tip #5 Hot Roller 5:00
- Video Tip #6 Big Barrel Curling Iron 6:20
- Video Tip #7 Crimp Your Roots 7:11
- Video Tip #8 Focus on Finishing Products 8:02
- Video Tip #9 Back Brushing 9:23
- Video Tip #10 Sleep With A High Top Knot Or High Ponytail 10:17
Oh and she makes an important point after exploring all ten that you won’t want to miss.

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