Maybe you haven’t embraced wispy bangs for fear of them getting stringy. Because you just know how oily they’re going to be – and look.
Or maybe it’s because you’re worried how easy it is for bangs to go all wonky on a windy day. Knowing you can look all glam when you leave the house but if a gust hits them all bets are off. Talk about embarrassing.
Or maybe you have no clue how to style them consistently easily.
Still bangs like these can look really really cute. So it might worth learning how to care for them so you too can look really really cute. Cool girl cute even.
Best of all you’re about to discover a hack or two that is going to put greasy looking bangs out of the picture for good.
Quick Section Navigation
- Why Do Wispy Bangs In the First Place?
- What’s Your Bangs Suitability Score
- Tutorial: Three No Heat Bangs Styling Methods
- How To Keep These Bangs From Looking Greasy
Yeah but…
Why Do Wispy Bangs In the First Place?
Ask anyone. They’re the easiest kind of bangs you can get.
They’re so easy some would encourage you to think of these as bangs with training wheels. You know bangs with a carefree, easy going attitude. (Blunt bangs on the other hand come complete with a biker attitude and we all know you don’t mess with the Hell’s Angels.)
Aside from that they’re safe. Low risk.
Most mornings they’re compliant with your wishes. Yeah you won’t often be shocked with a “Holy Crap Now What?” image staring back at you in the mirror.
Best of all those days you don’t feel like bangs just sweep them to the sides and a whole new style appears almost as if you never had bangs to begin with. (See? That’s called a low commitment way to update your look.)
Plus they’re easier to grow out.
They’re playful. Unlike blunt bangs, which descend like a curtain across your forehead, wisps are more see through. They let your forehead play peekaboo with the world.
That said some days you’ll wake and discover today is a “gap” day. Meaning there’s a gap in your bangs that can’t be fixed. You just have to live with it.
You will most always have to style them every day whether you feel like it or not. Or whether you have the time for them or not. But then you already know they tend to be high maintenance.
Finally wispy bangs are the first to surrender when faced with sweat or an oily forehead.
Still believe it or not, not everyone is a perfect candidate for bangs. Even these wispy bangs.
So maybe you should look before you leap.
You know, plan for the worst not hope for the best?
Good news. You’re in luck. To help with that “looking before you leap” stuff meet our Bangs Suitability Quiz.
Bangs Ambitions – What’s Your Bangs Suitability Score?
Yeah, to find where you stand why don’t we quickly run through a short bangs suitability quiz by answering five simple yes or no questions.
Those on the fence usually find this helpful. It really can help you make the best decision for you.
Obviously the more no’s you rack up the more likely it is you’ll hate your bangs sooner rather than later.
So let’s get quizzing.
Q#1: Do you rarely hit the snooze alarm more than once – yes or no?
If yes you’re off to a good start. Because even wispy bangs are not a wash and go style. They require daily looking after. Sure it may be only five minutes or so most mornings, but you’ll still have do it or risk having fingers pointed at you behind your back so no time for extra zzzz’s.
If no, repeatedly hitting snooze suggests you may not possess the time discipline needed to care for them daily. So if you find yourself rushing to get out the door more often than not now – you may want to reconsider your bangs ambitions.
Q#2: Are you up to the daily styling responsibility – yes or no?
Similar to number one but different.
Unquestionably bangs are high maintenance. That’s a universally accepted life-with-bangs truth.
On top of it you’ll never know if it’s going to be a “good bangs day” or a bad one until you are awake enough to clearly look in the mirror to see what they’ve got in store for you today. Yeah, even laid back wispy bangs are a commitment.
So if answered yes that means you’re more apt to do what it takes to keep them looking their best. Whether you feel like it or not. Whether you have time for them or not.
If no you aren’t up to it and that’s perfectly fine. Get a gold fish. Less responsibility that can always be flushed out of your life if need be.
Q#3: Can you live with imperfection when growing them out because sooner or later you’ll reach the “it’s time to grow out my bangs” point of no return – yes or no?
When you’re in love with your bangs they seem to literally grow too long overnight.
Yet when trying to grow them it’s like time stands still and day after day you see no visible change. That can be frustrating.
So if yes you’re saying you have the patience to endure the inevitable awkward “growin’ out my bangs” stage. That you’ll tough it out regardless.
If no, you may find yourself in a permanent loop where you ultimately can’t resist getting them cut cause you can’t stand it anymore just as they are almost long enough to move on. Welcome to Bangs Ground Hog Day the movie. Arrgggghhhh. Being stuck there is no fun.
Q#4: Can you cope with greasy bangs – yes or no?
If yes that means you understand their natural state is greasy or on the verge of looking greasy.
Could be for any reason, like I don’t know they’re resting on your forehead.
Or you tend to fiddle with your hair anyway which only makes a bad situation worse.
Of they just feel like it, dunno.
If no, that suggests carrying dry shampoo with you 24/7 is too much to ask. Got it.
Q#5: Will your stylist trim them for free – yes or no?
Now for some this is a deal breaker. And rightly so.
If yes that’s awesome. Free is always good.
Still it’s important to realize that even if the trims are done gratis, there’s still the time to schlep over to the salon and have them tuned up regularly. Some are just too busy to be bothered.
Of course you might consider trimming them yourself?
If no, how much will it run you and is it a big deal to you or not? The added charges racked up on your credit card might just be another excuse not to have trims done while you can still see to drive.
That’s it.
So how’d you do? Assuming you passed with flying colors you’re ready for a quick course on wispy bangs styling.
Tutorial: No Heat Wispy Bangs Styling Methods
What you’re getting here are three helpful ways to boost the volume of your wispy bangs.
Look. Like any bangs, these guys can tend towards the high maintenance end of things. (You’re right. I do keep repeating this fact.)
Yet the last thing these little wisps need is heat overexposure. No one wants brittle bangs that look more like straw than hair. So any styling tips that keep the hot styling tools at arms-length should be embraced with open arms.
That’s why this video should be paid attention to. Two of the three methods are heatless.
Plus all three are simple, easy and require no more than five minutes of your attention.
Velcro Hair Roller Styling Method
This leaves you with bangs that have just enough fullness to keep them from sitting flat against your forehead. A little poof can go a long way to enhancing their appearance.
- Step 1) Spritz dry shampoo on your fringe
- Step 2) Brush out and separate them from the rest of your mane
- Step 3) Comb through
- Step 4) Roll your bangs from ends to roots on one medium or small Velcro roller and clip or bobby pin to insure it stays put
- Step 5) Leave in place for 15-20 minutes while you go about the rest of your morning routine
- Step 6) Remove the roller. Ruffle, fluff or otherwise play around your bangs finger styling until you’re satisfied they’re at their lash grazing best. The idea is to look like a happy accident not too perfect.
This leaves you with bangs that have just enough fullness to keep them from sitting flat against your forehead. A little poof can go a long way to enhancing their appearance.
Oh and if you want to know other awesome things you can do with Velcro rollers check out this post.
Round Brush Styling Method
Similar to the rollers only faster.
Simply roll the brush through your bangs for 30 seconds to create the Velcro roller affect only without the Velcro rollers and without waiting 15-20 minutes.
Probably not quite as good. The bend you create may not last as long. But for those days when you’re running late better than doing nothing.
Flat Iron Styling Method
So yeah. Embrace a mini flat iron for styling. Just understand that some days it will be like you and this tool are joined at hip.
- Step 1) Gather just your bangs
- Step 2) Brush through them with the round brush
- Step 3) Use the flat iron to curl your bangs inward to create the desired poofiness
- Step 4) Finger style as needed
As the final step with any of the three styling techniques, spritz with hairspray to help things stay where you put them. Realizing no hairspray can protect against a sudden gust of wind that hits at the exact wrong moment.
One more thing. Some find apply a single drop of lightweight pomade to ends helps them retain their styling.
Hack To Keep These Bangs From Looking Greasy
It’s no secret bangs get oily. It’s like their natural state is greasy.
For this reason you’ll want to find a great dry shampoo. Keeping some handy at all times is smart because you never know when an oil slick will break out although some time after lunch is a safe bet.
Still if you suffer from oily bangs not long after lunch do pay attention to the little common sense hack shared to insure that doesn’t happen so soon.
Ready? Don’t put any makeup or moisturizing product on your forehead.
Simple enough.
Think about it. Doing this just encourages oily bangs as your hair sucks up any oiliness products lay on. Leaving you with greasy, disgusting looking mess in no time for everyone to see.
Besides the bangs are going to mostly cover that part of your face anyways so what’s the point stressing over what’s happening underneath the wisps of hair?
Shampoo Hack To Keep Bangs Fresh
Beyond that you’ll find yourself washing just your bangs while the rest of your hair does its second day hair thing sometimes.
The easiest way to clean them up is to pull back the rest of your hair and tie it back. Use the tiniest drop of shampoo possible. Lather up then rinse them out in the sink. Blow dry the perfect fringe.
To discover even more totally useful styling ideas and inspiration like these please be sure to follow our boards on Pinterest.
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