Diffusing curly hair sure seems simple enough.
So simple you can practically do it in your sleep.
But listen up. If you aren’t pixie diffusing your curls then you’re doing it wrong. And in the process creating excess frizz and destroying hard won curl definition.
Pfffft! What curly girl wants that?
Admittedly this method is not new.
Still, despite the results some get with it, it’s not exactly well known either.
Which is a shame. Because the photos I’ve seen shared online show girls with huge, absolutely glorious curls that ooze volume with limited frizz.
So what is this pixie method of diffusing and why does it work exactly?
Pixie diffusing minimizes curl movement caused when you reposition the diffuser. This cuts down on self-induced frizz while preserving the curl pattern. The dryer is set to low speed low heat and only blowing when the diffuser is full of hair and next to your scalp.
Here’s why it works. Basically with this method you only have the blow dryer blowing when the diffuser is positioned deep into your mane.
Diffusing this way focuses the air on the selected hair in the diffuser without blowing the rest all over the place. Keeping excess frizz to a minimum while maximizing volume.
So yeah. This works so well because it doesn’t blast your curls mercilessly with hot hair. And we both know the less your curls are blown around when blow dried the fewer frizzies you’ll end up with when done.
Oh and the bigger the diffuser bowl the better. That’s because the more hair you can fit into your diffuser attachment the faster you get done. Makes sense, right?
Now if you haven’t heard of this technique but are intrigued here’s a quick demo video. It gives you the 411 on how to diffuse curly hair without frizz.
Do more of this and you’ll need fewer ideas covering how to get rid of frizzy curly hair.
Still as they say the devil is in the details. So to add to what the video discussed here’s the …
Pixie Curl Diffusing Method | Step By Step
Don’t worry. Nothing could be easier as long as you remember a few tricks. To prove it here’s the process in a nutshell.
Fleshing out the details …
So first you’re going to use a micro fiber towel to get your hair to damp. Remembering to gently scrunch the water into the towel not rub your curls with the towel.
After you’ve applied your styling products you’ll work a reasonably sized section at a time.
With the blow dryer off fill the diffuser with hair.
Most suggest to start filling from the ends. Then run the diffuser into your hair until the “fingers” are right up against your scalp. You may find tilting your head helps keeping the hair contained.
Only then do you turn the dryer on.
BTW, did you know cradling your curls in the bowl like this encourages clumping?
What Blow Dryer Settings Are Best?
It’s probably best to play it safe and use at most medium heat at the low speed setting.
If you want to quibble over the settings most find diffusing like this is a game of tradeoffs.
Use the hot setting and you cut drying time but you can increase the excess frizz factor.
Lots of air blasting out? Same thing. Too much force makes frizz almost an inevitability.
This is why most suggest no hotter than medium heat with the dryer set to the low speed setting. Not to mention the hot setting risks burning your scalp.
Tip:If you’re going to use heat it never hurts to use something as heat protectant. Curly hair being dry enough already, you know?
Of course your curls may be different and thrive on getting blasted by the hot setting with lots of air swirling about.
That’s the thing about curly hair techniques. There can be no one right answer because everyone’s hair can be so different
Tip: If you’re going to go cool having a blow dryer with a cool setting, rather than a button you keep depressed, is a plus.
How Long To Blow Air At A Section?
Give the blow dryer 15-60 seconds to do its thing.
Some will need more time.
Others less.
You’ll want to experiment to find out what works best for your hair.
Tip: Flipping your hair over your head tends to amp up the volume.
Now when you’ve diffused long enough, however long that is, turn off the dryer letting the hair gently fall out of the diffuser.
Tip: Some use a cool shot blast just before releasing the hair.
Move on to the next section and fill the diffuser cup as before.
Turn the dryer on again to blow dry this new section.
You’re going to continue this process all the way around your head until all the sections are dry or nearly dry. Some like to get to nearly dry, or make sure their roots are dry and then air dry the rest of the way. It’s completely up to you.
It’s also okay if it takes more than one go with specific sections to achieve the desired level of dryness.
What’s The Best Diffuser to Use Again?
Again it’s best to use a diffuser with the deepest bowl you can find because that allows you to work with more hair at once. Which can obviously speed things up.
For example something like the Black Orchid diffuser is almost perfect? (Just note it’s not a universal fit attachment.)
For those who aren’t familiar, you might check out our take on that popular hair dryer diffusing attachment. Plus we included a list of blow dryers it fits so you can see in a flash if it works with yours.
So if your path to diffusing curly hair has led to nothing but excess frizz and frustration maybe this is the way to dry your curls you’ve been looking for but couldn’t find?
Don’t be shocked if you discover curls you didn’t know you had. And won’t that make you crazy-happy?
Pinterest worthy, right? And if you’re looking for more ways to make your curls look fabulous, please follow our curly hair board where we share all kinds of useful ideas you won’t want to miss!
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